Turweston Aerodrome, Buckinghamshire
Sunday 11th September 2022
Members Present:
Bob Clarke, Richard Lowis, Jim Bavin, Peter Clarke,
John Hutchins, Robert Milroy, Ronnie Carpenter, Steve Leach,
Kevin Brace, Colin Ferbrache, Shirley Hughes,
Kevin Jacomb, Kevin Evans, Alan Darby, Graeme Tanner, Colin Sharples.
Guests Present:
Mrs Hambleton, Mrs Jacomb and Mr Hughes
The meeting commenced at 11.20am. Apologies were received from a number of members.
Bob Clarke read the minutes from the 2019 AGM which were received by the meeting and proposed by Peter Clarke and seconded by Kevin Evans.
Bob Clarke’s Report:
Bob thanked all who attended and introduced the new members who had joined us for the first time. All members present then introduced themselves and gave an insight as to what each one did within the group. Bob went on to explain what was happening behind the scenes with regards to the forthcoming new database, which, at the time had been released to updaters and would follow shortly to the rest of the members. Bob thanked Steve Hambleton for all his time and hard work he had put into the new database. Bob also stated that more work was still to be done which would through time enhance the future of the database.
Financial Report – Jim Bavin:
Jim reported that the group was in a comfortable financial position and was showing in the black. Any persons wishing to join the group would pay a joining fee of £25.00 and an annual subscription of £25.00. Pete Clarke asked if the subscription fees should be increased, however, Jim advised that at the present moment there was no need for an increase as the group had sufficient funds.
Election of Office Bearers:
Bob asked if any of the members had an interest in standing for election. There however were no volunteers therefore, Bob asked if the present committee would continue in their present rolls and all agreed. Bob then asked Steve Hambleton if he was prepared to come onto the committee due to his involvement with the database, Steve agreed, and was then formally welcomed onto the committee.
Updaters Report:
Richard thanked all the updaters for their hard work during the pandemic and stated that he would be sending out an email to all updaters to ensure that they were not being overstretched with their present workload. Richard also informed the new members that a full list of updater’s responsibilities can be found on the Pacific Aviation web site.
Any Other Business:
Jim Bavin made a request for updaters to give out their email address, so that that updaters requests go direct to the relevant updater rather than go through the group.
Steve Leach thanked Steve Hambleton for all his time and effort spent on the new database. As there was no other business, the meeting concluded at 12:18.
After the meeting, Steve Hambleton gave an in-depth insight into the new database, which was warmly received.
Our thanks went the catering staff for the buffet and refreshments provided.
Thanks also goes to Gary Loveday who provided a tour of the airfield.
AGM Venue 2023
It was proposed that due consideration be given to holding next years AGM at the very impressive South Yorkshire Aviation Museum. The consensus from those present was that this was an excellent choice. Kevin Evans agreed to make contact to try and secure the venue.
We have been advised that Graham Beasley had sadly passed away earlier in the year. Graham was well known in aviation circles, particularly as an organiser of “Spotting Trips”, which some of the older members may have been on.
Since the AGM, we have been advised of the death of Gordon Smith. Gordon was a member of the group from the early days of “Atlantic”. Our sincere condolences go to his family and friends for this tragic loss.
Minutes prepared by Richard Lowis
Bob Clarke
Pacific Aviation Group.