Downloading Updates

  • Getting Updates

    Updates issued to date can be downloaded from the Group’s website at from the ‘Members Only Section’, ‘Update Files – UPDddmmm’..

    New updates are emailed to members by Bob Clarke via the newsgroup.

    Running-in Updates

  • Download the update zip file to your hard drive.

    It is probably easiest to save the zipped file to the ‘Downloads’ folder, then using an unzip program such as the free 7-Zip, unzip it using ‘Extract Here’ i.e. to the ‘Downloads’ folder. It will change from something like ‘’ to ‘234_datupdate.mdb’.

  • Double-click the ‘234_datupdate.mdb’ file and a page will open showing the list of updaters who have provided the update data, the update number (here 234), ‘RunUpdate’ command box, ‘Quit’ command box and any new main data added – Flight Route, Model, Airfield,Units, Museum.
  • Click the ‘RunUpdate’ command box and the page will change slightly to show that the update is being run-in e.g. a progress box appears in the bottom right corner and slowly moves.
  • If the update is out of sequence with your database – for example, you may have missed out an update – a warning will come up saying


In which case, click the ‘Quit’ command box, reopen the database as normal and check the update number at the foot of the opening screen. Then look for the next update file and proceed as above.


  • Once the update has run-in, the page will close. Reopen the database, and check that the number on the opening screen has changed correctly, then close the database.

    You must do this after every update is run-in. Even if several updates are downloaded at a time, each must be run-in in turn, in the right order, then the database opened, then closed before running-in the next update.

    If you do not adhere to the method for running updates outlined above, then you will likely break your database. If you do break it as a result of not following the routine above, you will have to start again from a new download. So, warning given, it is what you must do on each and every update you run in.

    Some Problems Encountered

    See Error Codes for some errors encountered (3073, 3443) and suggested solutions.