Date Formats


Date formats should be

  • Short dd-MM-yy
  • Long dd MMMM yyyy

    A Member noted “I have an old version of Office 2003 with formats:

  • Short dd/MM/yyyy
  • Long dd MMMM yyyy

    The options I have for short date are dd/MM/yyyy

    dd/MM/yy d/M/yy d.M.yy


    If I change the separator from ‘/’ to ‘-‘ then the date changes to ‘yyyy-MM-dd’ and the database does not open.”

    To set the correct format

    Go into Control Panel and under ‘Region and Language – Formats’

    Change the date to the required formats.

    Alternatively, in ‘Region and Language – Formats – Additional settings’ Date tab, under ‘Date Formats’ type what you want.

    Leaving the ‘/’ indicates a directory which isn’t there.